I'm a Research Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the California Institute of Technology and Associate Editor at the Einstein Papers Project. My main interests are in the philosophy of science and early analytic philosophy. I also have research interests in epistemology, metaphysics, logic, and the philosophy of language. I received my PhD in Philosophy from the University of Pittsburgh in 2018, and before that I worked as a Science teacher at Capital City Academy in London through the Teach First scheme.
Details of recent and forthcoming papers can be found under "research" and some sample syllabi can be found under "teaching". Contact details are included on my CV. |
News! (or new-ish)
- I had the pleasure of being the guest host for an episode of "The HPS Podcast", talking to Haixin Dang about disagreement in Science. Give us a listen here.
- "Wittgenstein's Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus: A Critical Guide" (Cambridge University Press) is out now. My contributed chapter, "'Normal Connections' and the Law of Causality", discusses Wittgenstein's philosophy of science.
- My conversation with Samara Greenwood in a bonus episode of "The HPS Podcast" is available online. Listen to us chat about the highlights of season one of the podcast here.